The biggest influence to productivity-People

The biggest influence to productivity-People


        Let's do a small exercise. Answer the following questions with a Yes or a No.

  • Do you think your biggest influence towards growth at workplace is a process/system?
  • Do you feel that people in your team are important in terms of helping you develop?
  • Do you opine that mostly people influence they way you perceive your workplace?

Well, if you have honestly attempted to answer the above three questions, undoubtedly you would know that "People Matters". I have overheard innumerable people blaming their bosses their failures. I have heard several people praising their bosses for the encouragement. I have seen several people saying that they extremely proud of the team members they work with. I have also heard several people say, "He makes our workplace, look like hell."

Sample this:

"Some people are just unfriendly ass-holes"- Fabiola Lenz

"There are some people who always seem angry and continuously look for conflict.Walk away; the battle they are fighting isn't with you. It's with themselves."- Anonymous

"I love it when people underestimate me.Seeing the stupid expressions on their faces after they see what I can really do is fucking priceless."-Anonymous-

 It's not possible to control/contort/suppress human behavior but you can predict, manage and set norms for human behavior at workplace ..(That's what i read in the Stephen Robbins text book on OB or was that Fred Luthans? Doesn't matter.....)
It's a very evident fact that people matter the most when it comes to influencing productivity and efficiency, especially in the service sector, which is purely people driven, in most cases. Organizations should have a robust component of measuring "people skills" of the candidates they are selecting, which should go beyond the normal psychometric tests that can be easily cracked. A mix of scenario analysis, focus discussion and micro body language analysis could do the trick. So, companies can save on time considering future people issues. The leadership should have a very strong view point with respect to what is acceptable in terms of behavior at the workplace. There should limited tolerance to abnormal behavior patterns.People in the organizations should know and believe that their behavior at workplace is being observed and considered. The appraisal forms need to have a strong behavioral component which is neglected in several cases, despite claims of 360 degree appraisal being in place, making 'exemplary behavior' critical for growth and in the long run, RETENTION. Yes, you heard it right, that's what I said. In matters of behavior if people are unwilling to learn then organizations should be unwilling to retain  static resources in the long run.

People matter the most and this matter should not be neglected if organizations wish to create a better workplace for a better workforce.



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