The ESSENCE of the word called "PASSION"

"Intense desire to excel", "doing something with a lot of devotion", "giving yourself to some person/thing/work etc","strong determination", "what we enjoy doing even without or knowledge or love the most", "A way or style to be particular domain in personal or professional life" . These are a few definitions my friends gave me, when I asked them what's 'PASSION'. And my definition of Passion would be " unconditional surrender to a thing/person/art".

Well, I somehow feel that this word 'passion ' is all the more important and critical at this point of time, not only to me, but all those friends and foes(lol) throughout the world who are stepping on to their careers, undergoing a transition from college to workplace. Some of my fiends, and even me gave excuses for not attending a few interviews. We felt that the pay, the profile etc were not that good and so on. In fact, we weren't passionate about it.

Rather, those companies/people couldn't kindle the passion in us. Passion is one such thing, it can drive great people, great things and great events. The pyramids of Egypt are some of the greatest creations of mankind. They are in fact splendid examples of what passion can do.

Art, Science, Literature, Management and all other domains have seen and come across what 'passion' can do.People are remembered many a times, because of the passion they possessed.

How do we kindle that passion in us?
How do we convert that passion into 'action'?
How do utilize passion to back excellence?
In simple terms,'

How do we convert this "PASSION" INTO:
The answer to this question is probably, 3P-Planning, Practice and Patience.

Plan-Plan and have a schedule so that you will not even miss the minute details and things.
Practice- Practice well before that occasion many a times. Seemingly, things would be more predictable and peaceful at the time of performance.

Sunil Gavaskar, Akshay Kumar, Dhirubhai Ambani, are a few personalities whom consider as extremely "Passionate" people. They were able to convert passion into :-

And I think we need to understand that the conversion of passion is the key to success.

Today, we lost one of India's greatest artists, Tyeb Mehta, whose painting "Kali" made him the first Indian artist to cross the Rs.1 crore mark in an inetrnational auction.I salute the "PASSION OF THIS GREAT ARTIST".(Refer Pic)


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